Jobs Growth Wales Plus  Programme

The Jobs Growth Wales Plus programme supports young people aged 16 to 18 (and eligible 15-year-olds) who are not in full-time education, employment, or training (NEET). Participants can continue their development until the day before their 20th birthday. This programme provides tailored support to help young people build the skills, confidence, and experience needed to progress into work or further education.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Aged 16-18 (15-year-olds are eligible if they have completed education before their 16th birthday in June, July, or August).
  • Not in full-time education, employment, or training (NEET). Part-time work is allowed but must not exceed 15 hours per week.
  • Resident in Wales.

Support Offered by Agoriad Cyf

Agoriad Cyf provides a range of services to ensure participants receive tailored, practical support:

  • Vocational Profiling: Helping participants identify their skills, interests, and career goals to create a personalised plan.
  • Person-Centred Action Planning: Condensing vocational profiling information to plan steps toward employment.
  • 1-2-1 Employability Skills Support: Assistance with CV writing, interview techniques, and confidence building.​
  • Work Trials and Placements: Support for participants during placements to gain real-world experience.
  • Job Coaching: Guidance for both participants and employers to ensure smooth integration into the workplace.
  • Training in Systematic Instruction: A structured approach to learning job-specific tasks.

Essential Employability Skills

Agoriad offers personalised support in:

CV and cover letter writing.
Interview preparation, including mock interviews and 1-2-1 support.
Building confidence and workplace-specific skills, like travel training and health & safety awareness.
Developing work ethics, wellbeing, and personal hygiene.

Work Placements & Job Coaching

Agoriad provides hands-on job coaching to help participants transition into work.

Job Coaching Includes:

Introducing new employees to their workplace and helping them settle in.
Supporting both the employer and the employee to address concerns.
Analysing tasks to help participants learn and complete them independently.